
Continuity of Operations (COOP)

14th Judicial District Court District Judges’ Office

(includes Family & Juvenile Court addendum and Compliance Officer addendum)

1001 Lakeshore Drive

Lake Charles, Louisiana  70601

(337) 721-3100


July, 2015      


This Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) has been developed according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Headquarters Continuity of Operations (COOP) Guidance Document, dated April 2004.


Questions concerning this plan can be directed to:


14th Judicial District Court

Judicial Administration

1001 Lakeshore Drive

Lake Charles, Louisiana  70601

(337) 721-3100 Ext. 6402




Table of Contents

I.      Executive Summary. 2

II.     Introduction. 2

III.       Important Information for All Employees. 2

IV.       Purpose. 2

V.        Applicability and Scope. 3

VI.   Essential functions. 3

VII.      Authorities and References. 4

VIII.     Concept of Operations. 4

A.    Phase I: Activation and Relocation. 4

1.     Decision Process. 4

2.     Alert, Notification, and Implementation Process. 5

3.     Leadership. 5

B.    Phase II: Alternate Facility Operations. 5

1.     Mission Critical Systems. 6

2.     Vital Files, Records, and Databases. 6

C.    Phase III: Reconstitution. 6



X.        Logistics. 7

A.    Alternate Location. 7

B.    Interoperable Communications. 8

XI.   Test, Training, and Exercises. 8

XII.      Multi-Year Strategy and program Management Plan. 8

XII.      COOP Plan Maintenance. 8

Annex A:    14th JDC Family & Juvenile Court Continuity of Operations Plan. 9

Annex B:     Compliance Officer Continuity of Operations Plan. 9

Annex C:    Operational Checklists – Attached. 9

o      Key Personnel Roster 9

o      Emergency Equipment Checklist 9

Annex D:    Alternate Location/ Facility Information (See VII (B), Page 5) 9

Annex E:         Emergency Evacuation Guide (includes Emergency Evacuation Map and Southwest Louisiana Contraflow Plan; NOAA Extreme Weather Information Sheet 2015…………………………………………………………………………9

Annex F:         Rules of the 14th Judicial District Court.................................................... 9


I. Executive Summary

This plan establishes policy and guidance to ensure the execution of the essential functions for the 14th Judicial District Court in the event that an emergency threatens or incapacitates operations, and the relocation of selected personnel and functions of the Court is required.  Specifically, the plan is designed to:

II.   Introduction

The Parish of Calcasieu has developed plans to protect the citizens in the event of a disaster, civil disturbance, or unusual occurrence.  Preparation to manage an event of this nature requires a realistic combination of the efforts of different agencies.   14th Judicial District Court District Judges’ office will be responsible for all employees of the 14th Judicial District Court District Judges’ office. 


In the event of an emergency, you should:

Employees should note that the Calcasieu Parish Judicial Center, 1001 Lakeshore Drive will not be available to employees as a shelter. If the buildings are closed, you should not return to them until instructed or permitted to do so by the Chief Judge or Court Administrator.


The following plan will establish leadership guidelines for managing unusual occurrences and the continuity of essential court functions.  An unusual event may be natural or man-made and may cause services to be interrupted.  This plan is designed to prioritize the continuation, mitigation, and restoration of District Judges’ office operations that may be interrupted due to unusual occurrences.  The objectives of the plan include:

V.    Applicability and Scope

VI. Essential functions

It is important to establish priorities before an emergency to ensure that the relocated staff can complete the essential functions during an emergency.  All designated persons shall ensure that the essential functions can continue or resume as rapidly and efficiently as possible during an emergency relocation.  Any task not deemed essential must be deferred until additional personnel and resources become available.

1.         Ensure that the following legally mandated hearings are held within the time restraints required by law:

  1. 72 Hour Court (Right to Counsel)
  2. Writ of Habeas Corpus
  3. 48 Hour Warrants
  4. Juvenile Continued Custody (72 hour hearing)
  5. Any other State or Federally mandated required hearings

Staffing Requirements:

  1. Judge
  2. Secretary
  3. Minute Clerk (Clerk’s office)
  4. Court Reporter
  5. Security
  6. IT staff

Resource Requirements: 

Courtroom, recording equipment and computer.

VII.              Authorities and References

The Judges and Judicial Administrator are the authorizing figures in ensuring the essential court functions are carried out during an emergency.   Supporting authorities are the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury.  Assisting authorities are the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s office, the Calcasieu Parish District Attorney’s Office, the Calcasieu Parish Public Defender’s Office and the Calcasieu Parish Clerk of Court’s office.

VIII.           Concept of Operations

Emergency operations for the 14th Judicial District Court would be carrying out only those essential functions of the court (as stated above) that must be continued under all circumstances even in a state of emergency, pursuant to law, specific time restraints.  Other types of matters heard by the District Court on a daily basis would have to be rescheduled at such time when adequate resources become available.  Some examples of hearings that could be rescheduled under emergency conditions are as follows:

a.      Criminal and civil jury trials

b.     Felony, misdemeanor & traffic arraignments

c.      Rules

d.     Motions

General Operations After an Alert and Notification

A.    Phase I: Activation and Relocation

1.     Decision Process

The Judicial Administrator with the approval of the Judges is responsible for declaring a state of emergency at the 14th Judicial District Court.

2.     Alert, Notification, and Implementation Process

If the situation allows for warning, Judges and staff may be alerted prior to the activation of the COOP.  Information will normally be passed telephonically by the Judicial Administrator and/or Assistant to the Judicial administrator using the Emergency Calling Directory.  All staff should remain at their office until specific guidance is received.  The Judicial Administrator under the direction of the Chief Judge/Judges will order the activation of the 14th Judicial District Court COOP.

The Judicial Administrator will then contact the Assistant to the Judicial Administrator, who will contact the remaining staff of the emergency relocation. Staff will also be notified at this time as to who will need to report to work immediately.

The 14th Judicial District Court notification process as related to COOP activation should allow for a smooth transition of the Judges and essential staff to an alternate facility to continue execution of the essential functions of the Court.  Notification may be via personal contact, e-mail, telephone, cell phone, pager, radio and TV broadcasts, or a combination thereof.

The Administrative staff will be responsible for the implementation of the COOP.  The administrative staff includes the following individuals:

·       Judicial Administrator

·       Assistant to Judicial Administrator

3.     Leadership


1. Chief Judge- Judicial Administrator will contact Chief Judge for authorization to activate COOP.

2. Alternate Judge – The Judicial Administrator will contact the Alternate Judge in the absence of the Chief Judge.

3. Judicial Administrator- The Judicial Administrator will contact essential employees and give relocation site.

4. Assistant to Judicial Administrator – The Assistant to the Judicial Administrator will assist in contacting employees and with the set-up of the alternate site.

In the event a person listed here is not available the successor will perform duties. If a Judge is unavailable a judge pro tempore will be appointed by the Louisiana Supreme Court.

B.    Phase II: Alternate Facility Operations

In the event District Court becomes inoperable, the governing authority of the Parish government would be responsible for providing a place to hold District Court hearings and making all necessary provisions for the conduct of business of the District Court. A place for legally mandated hearings would have to be designated timely by the Parish government in order to comply with stringent legal time restraints placed on hearing certain matters.

1.     Mission Critical Systems

14th Judicial District Court is an electronic driven department.  Most functions are now managed via computer.

The following tables list those systems that must be maintained.  The list is prioritized for restart order in the event of a shut down.

System Name

Current Location

Other Locations

14th JDC Server 1

14th JDC Server 2

District Court Administrator’s office


Back-up tapes        

Stored Off-Site

Sony tapes

District Court Court Reporter’s offices


FTR Reporter Decks

Courtrooms B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & J

Back-up tapes

 Stored Off-Site


2.     Vital Files, Records, and Databases



Vital File, Record, or Database

Form of Record (e.g., hardcopy, electronic)

Pre-positioned at Alternate Facility

Hand Carried to Alternate Facility

Backed up at Third Location

District Court Manager










C.    Phase III: Reconstitution

The Administrative staff will develop reconstitution plans and schedules to ensure an orderly transition of all 14th Judicial District Court functions, personnel, equipment, and records from the temporary alternate location to a new restored court facility.  District Court Judges and Administration will approve the plans and schedules prior to the cessation of operations.  Administration of  District Court will oversee the reconstitution process.


The responsibility for developing, editing, and revising this plan is a concerted effort between District Court Judges, Judicial Administrator, Office of Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and other agencies.







Media inquiries, coordination of the release of information to the media and interaction with community leaders. 

Chief Judge/Judges and Judicial Administrator

Monitoring safety conditions and developing measures for ensuring the safety of all assigned personnel.

Judicial Administrator

Contacting any agencies involved in court process.

Judicial Administrator

Providing facilities, services, and materials to support incident operations.  Also responsible for contacting employees.

Judicial Administrator/Administrative Assistant

Financial and legal aspects of the incident.  Costs and expenditures must be carefully documented, recorded, and justified for reimbursement requests.

Judicial Administrator

Creation of COOP, recording resource status, documenting the incident, collecting and evaluating information.

Judicial Administrator

Year-round COOP preparations and editing.

Judicial Security Committee; Administrative Staff and OEP Coordinator

X.    Logistics

A.    Alternate Location

The primary location will be designated by the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury in accordance with La. R.S. 33-4713 as stated below:


LA R.S. 33:4713.  Providing quarters for court and parish offices

“Each parish shall provide and bear the expense of a suitable building and requisite furniture for the sitting of the district and circuit courts and such offices, furniture and equipment as may be needed by the clerks and recorders of the parish for the proper conduct of their offices . . . “

Alternate facilities should provide:

1)               Sufficient space and equipment

2)               Reliable logistical support, services, and infrastructure systems

3)               Consideration for health, safety, and emotional well-being of personnel

4)               Interoperable communications

5)               Computer equipment and software

The second location will be designated by the Chief Judge and Judicial Administrator.

B.    Interoperable Communications

The Judicial Administrator will be assigned to the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury’s information team and any information, including any changes in the Court’s docket and updates on emergency status will be directed through the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury’s Public Information Officer to the media. Whenever resources permit, hearings that are not considered essential will be rescheduled by personnel and notification will be sent to all concerned parties or they will be served with notices of their new hearing dates.

XI. Test, Training, and Exercises

Rehearsals will be used when possible to test the elements of this plan quarterly.  The purpose of this plan is promoting safety.  Elements of this plan may be adjusted to provide a smoother or safer operation. 

XII.             Multi-Year Strategy and program Management Plan

Year 1: Development and Implementation of Continuity of Operations Plan

Year 2: Evaluation of Plan.  Drills will be conducted quarterly to ensure that staff is aware of the procedures set forth by the COOP.  The plan will be evaluated at those times to ensure its effectiveness.

Year 3: Review plan. Renew or rewrite if necessary.

XIII.           COOP Plan Maintenance

This plan is subject to frequent changes.  The Chief Judge and Judicial Administrator are responsible for the review of this plan as well as providing updates for this plan.

Annex A:        14th JDC Family & Juvenile Court Continuity of Operations Plan

Annex B:        14th JDC Compliance Officer – Addendum

Annex C:        Operational Checklists – Attached

o   Key Personnel Roster

o   Emergency Equipment Checklist

Annex D:        Alternate Location/ Facility Information (See VIII (B), Page 5)

Annex E:        Emergency  Evacuation Guide (includes Emergency Evacuation Map and Southwest Louisiana Contraflow Plan (http://www.lsp.org/lcadeg.html); NOAA Extreme Weather Information (http://service.ncddc.noaa.gov/rdn/www/activities/weather-ready-nation/newis/documents/Southwest-Louisiana.pdf)

Annex F:        Rules of the 14th Judicial District Court - follow link for most up to date local rules -  http://www.lasc.org/rules/dist.ct/14thJDCAppendices.PDF












            The Family & Juvenile Court of the 14th Judicial District, which is comprised of  Divisions “C” and “I” of the court, hereby adopt the CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS (COOP) of the 14th Judicial District Court District Judges’ Office and add this addendum specifically establishing the policy and guidance in this addendum for the essential functions of the Family & Juvenile Court in the event of emergency or incapacity of operations.


            The Family & Juvenile Court recognizes that continuity of operations for these divisions must specifically be developed for the continuity of operations involving juvenile justice and must be in accord with the COOP Plan and Emergency Evacuation Administration Packet of the Office of Juvenile Justice Services of the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury attached hereto.




            Judge Lilynn A. Cutrer, Division “I”

            Judge Guy E. Bradberry, Division “C”

            Judge W. Mitchell Redd, Division “A”

            Dani Jo Cagle, Administrator


            Mission Critical Systems

The Family & Juvenile Court is an electronic driven department.  Most functions of the domestic/civil/child support cases are managed via computer with an internal network and program. 




The functions of the juvenile cases are managed via network and computers through the Office of Juvenile Justice Services with a “link” (read only) to the court.  This hardware and software is maintained through the OJJS and Calcasieu Parish Police Jury and not through the Family & Juvenile Court.


            The following table lists those systems that must be maintained by the Family & Juvenile Court.  The list is prioritized for restart order in the event of a shut down.


System Name                                     Current Location                               Other Locations

Docket Manager Program

(Network Server)                                Family & Juvenile Court                   Back-up Discs &

                                                                                                                        Mirror Drive


Microsoft XL-Microsoft Work          Family & Juvenile Court                   Back-up Discs &

                                                                                                                        Mirror Drive

            Coordination and Responsibilities

Employees of the Family & Juvenile Court are obligated to maintain contact with the 

Administrator and/or the Judges of the Family & Juvenile Court.  Each employee must maintain the list of staff/employees and telephone numbers and emergency contacts to use in the event of emergency.


            Further responsibilities for employees in the event of evacuation or emergency are listed below:


            Court Administrator:

            Responsible for transporting network server and desk PC, as well as checkbook for

court finances, budget and payroll files and master calendar.  Also LCLE contract grant files and information.


            Hearing Officers

            Responsible for transporting desk PC, calendar/daily schedule book and attorney contact information.  Also copies of forms regularly used for issuance of court orders, mediations, etc.




Paralegals & Secretaries

            Responsible for transporting judges’ calendars and docket books, stationary and attorney contact information.  Further, will transport each desk PC and the back-up tape for the Docket Manager program.


            OCS Specialist

            Responsible for transporting desk PC, master list of OCS cases and master forms used and necessary in OCS cases.


Teen Court Coordinator

            Responsible for transporting desk PC, Teen Court contract(s) and grants, Teen Court stationary and materials.


            Domestic Abuse Specialist

            Responsible for transporting desk PC, LCLE contract(s) and grants, including all forms for quarterly reports and expenditure reports.


Court Reporters

            Responsible for transporting desk PC and any laptops or personal recording/transcribing equipment necessary for relocation.




Continuity of Operations (COOP)

14th Judicial District Court District Judges Office

Court Compliance Officer addendum

In the event that District Court becomes inoperable due to an unusual event which may be natural or man-made and services and contact interrupted it will become necessary for the Compliance Officer to obtain contact information for offenders who are released in the Pre-trial Supervision program.  These functions will include but are not limited to:

·       The backing up of offender files by scanning into the laptop of the Compliance Officer as well as the storing of information on the portable jump drive.

·       Should evacuation or relocation become necessary the Cash Custodian will empty the safe of any money collected and turn in at the Calcasieu Parish Police Jurors Office for immediate deposit.

·       The Compliance officer will have offenders sign an Offender Emergency Document stating that all contact information is accurate and current as well as attesting to the fact that once allowed back into the Parish should evacuation become mandatory, they will physically report to 14th JDC within 72 hours.

·       If information for evacuation can be furnished in advance by the offender, the Compliance Officer will log said information and transfer into the computer so that the offenders last known whereabouts will be known to Court Officials.

·       Should Offender be monitored by electrical device, tracking will be continued through the official monitoring company.

·       If relocation of the Pre-trial supervision office becomes necessary for any reason, offenders enrolled in Pre-trial supervision will be notified via telephone of the new location so as not to disrupt their report schedule.